Wild-caught “Ippon Zuri”
Red Sea Breams
"Pole-and-Line Fishing--Ippon Zuri” of Kada, Wakayama
In Kada, the main fishing method is pole-and-line fishing, a method that does not damage the fish bodies. The artisanal fishing technique has been passed down since the ancient times, where the fishing line wrapped around a wooden frame called a Gara is lowered into the ocean about 40 to 70 meters deep. Each fisherman fishes with his own accumulated experience and a slight sense of touch. This method of fishing without using the latest machinery, bait, or nets has nurtured seaweed and young fish in this fishery, and as a result, it had enriched the biodiversity of the sea. The fishermen of Kada take pride in their pole-and-line fishing method (Ippon Zuri) by providing fresh fish without disturbing the sea.

The Skills and Spirit Passed Down
from One Generation to the Next
Although the words "eco-friendly" and "sustainable" did not exist in ancient times, the fishermen of Kada inherited the spirit of protecting the sea by the pole-and-line fishing (Ippon Zuri) from their ancestors, keeping the technique alive to this day.

Our Commitment to our “Ippon Zuri"
Protecting the Sea Environment and Delivering Quality Fish for All to Come
Fishing methods involving the use of modern machinery, bait and nets can catch large numbers of fish at once. Yet, this method destroys the marine environment in the process because it strips away the seaweed, young fish, and plankton that the high-quality fish feed on. The pole-and-line fishing (Ippon Zuri) cannot catch large numbers of fish, but it does protect the habitat of the fish and maintain an environment rich in marine biodiversity. Our fishing method allows us to continue to catch and provide excellent fish.

The Fishermen’s Spirits Determine
the Quality of Fish
Did you know that the flavor differs
depending on how they are handled?
When a fish is caught gently by the “Ippon Zuri” line, it turns white from the stress of being captured. To keep its stress to a minimum and preserve its best quality, the fish is immediately put in a livewell on the fishboat. The color slowly changes back into a light shade of pink. The red sea breams keep their freshness by maintaining low stress levels. They are shipped after letting them swim in a fishpond at the harbor to lower their stress even more.
Compared to the sea breams caught by net, these sea breams retain their natural, light coral color and are extremely fresh. The delicious fish caught in Kada are all handled carefully by the spirits of the fishermen and delivered fresh-tasting fish to our guests.
Comment from the Chef

Inasa Fresh Fish Cuisine
Ineno Masanori
The red sea breams from Kada are low on fat and calories but contains high quality proteins with a good balance of amino acid. They have a light taste with a well-balanced flavor of umami so you can enjoy them in any style: especially sashimi, grilled, lightly stewed or tempura. You can simmer the head or make soup stock from the bones and fully enjoy the whole fish literally from head to tail.
We are preparing to apply for the MEL Certification!
MEL Certification
The Marine Eco-Label (MEL) Certification refers to a system for certifying fisheries and aquaculture businesses that are conducted in an environmentally friendly manner for marine resources and ecosystems. Products certified by these standards can be recognized by a special Marine Eco-Label logo.
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